I spent most of my Thanksgiving break either hosting family for the big feast or taking a bit of a step back and recharging my batteries for the final couple weeks of class. I really value down-time and see it as critical for sanity and success. Since this semester's been so busy, especially over weekends, I really have had very little time to disconnect. I used this break as my opportunity to do just that! My one goal for the week was to be sure to touch some of my Luganda work every day. I let myself off the hook for earning 80 Omuzannyo points, but I didn't want to take a day without engaging with Luganda in some way. My success this week, then, was threefold: 1) I successfully took a step back from things and rested; 2) I successfully studied a bit of Luganda every day; 3) These successes lead me to feel energized and excited to be back at work this week. Most important to me is that third piece, especially since the burnout was pretty imminent last week. Now I feel ...