what a bad week looks like

This past week was a fairly unproductive one for me - both for my Luganda study, and for my other work as well. I was on track to have a great week, planning to get a lot done, when the election came and completely disorganized me. While the fallout from the election is definitely a conversation for another time (and venue!) suffice it to say that it had a significant impact on the amount of work I was able to do, and my overall motivation to work at all.

In any case, I thought it was interesting how my understanding of what a "bad week" looks like has changed over time. In my earliest weeks of Luganda study (and grad school), I would struggle to reach 35 points total. But now a "bad week" is still a week with where Luganda plays a big role. After this most recent "bad week," I had earned 49 points.  Let's take a look at how this bad week played out:

Monday: 45 minutes of Luganda conversation with my mentor, over a terrible internet connection which dropped every 53 seconds (exactly). 30 minutes of exercises from my mentor. Quizlet long-term learning.

Tuesday: 1 hour of Luganda conversation, thankfully with a much better internet connection. Prior to our conversation, I did about an hour and a half of exercises from my mentor. Quizlet long-term learning. Listened to about an hour of Luganda radio.

Wednesday: Literally nothing (across the board - I treated it like a sick day and just took the day completely off).

Thursday: Quizlet long-term learning, read 1 Bukedde article

Friday: Quizlet long-term learning, did one song translation exercise for the song Sembera

Saturday: Played host to family and friends in anticipation of my husband running the Madison Marathon - no Luganda.

Sunday: Returned to the song Sembera a second time, listened to Luganda music, Quizlet long-term learning.  

Again, this is not a typical week - usually I'd want to have several more activities or more intensive reading/writing/listening sessions, as well as have done at least one Luganda activity every single day. But, if this is what a bad week looks like for me now, I know that I am making progress.

Several of my Luganda study activities have been integrated into my daily life, allowing me the chance to get practice in even when my effort is not what it should be. This is one advantage of being at it for so long - these habits eventually stick!

At least I know that the week ahead can't be as bad as the last one. Maybe it'll even be a "good" week, and I'll be able to share with you an alternate rundown of my week - with lots great activity!


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