Akwata empola, atuuka wala.

She who goes slowly goes far. So goes the proverb that is the translation of this blog post's title. It's an apt descriptor for this week in two ways.

First, the proverb reflects another week of slow and steady work. Again, I managed to put in some time each and every day of the week despite another visiting friend. I am slowly making my way through my grammar book, and slowly making progress towards my goals. I feel a sense of chipping away at the language in a new way; this semester's emphasis on sharpening feels different, slower, more intensive. I want my Luganda practice to be steady and for my learning to really stick with me for the long-haul, and I think this phase in my language learning journey reflects this.

Secondly, the proverb represents something new I started doing in the last week. After being introduced to numerous proverbs and never really remembering them, I decided I would make a change. Proverbs are used frequently in conversation, and so it's really important to know them and understand their deeper meaning. This is especially the case if I want to achieve Superior level proficiency. In order to make progress on this, I started a Quizlet deck of proverbs and have started studying them independently of my other vocabulary words. The "Learn" function on Quizlet is a good tool for this kind of studying and has helped me memorize a couple. Now, when Simon uses a proverb, it will live somewhere other than the margins of my notes and will hopefully eventually make its way into my consciousness! I'm excited about this little new direction and will share with you how it goes!

Here is what my slow, steady week looked like:
Monday: 1 hour session with Simon and Kevin, 1 hour listening to the radio
Tuesday: 100 Quizlet words
Wednesday: Wrote a note to a friend, 1 hour of lesson work, worked on my emotion wheel
Thursday: 150 Quizlet words, 20 minutes watching the Jesus film
Friday: Lesson with Simon, texting with friends, 30 minutes on the emotion wheel, 10 minutes of Quizlet
Saturday: 100 Quizlet words, 30 minutes of lesson work, 1 hour listening to radio
Sunday: 100 Quizlet words, read 1 Bukedde article

One place I fell short this week was I was only able to get through one of two chapters from my grammar book. My plan is to add that chapter to this week's agenda - we'll see how that goes. Simon also gave me a fairly lengthy and difficult translation assignment he wants me to complete by Friday, so I should be able to keep myself busy!


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