A pause for some metacognitive reflection
This week I crossed the halfway mark for my time in Uganda:
3.5 weeks down, 3.5 to go. And so, it seems an appropriate time to stop and
reflect a bit more upon my learning so far.
My class days usually go like this: I arrive around 9 AM,
and spend several minutes greeting and chatting with Amelia and Simon in the
office. Our conversation is informal and full of laughter – and all in Luganda,
of course. Simon oftentimes says something very quickly and then stops and
looks at me skeptically, as if he’s purposefully quizzing me: “Otegedde?” (Have
you understood?) Ever the teacher, he is.
After a couple minutes of that, Amelia and I walk down the
hall to our small classroom. I sit in a hard wooden chair and Amelia either
sits next to me at the table or she stands at the board. We usually begin by
just talking about what’s happened since we last saw each other – what we both
have done, what the weather is like, what I saw on my journey to class that
morning. These conversations can last a long time and meander, or can be short,
depending on what we discuss. Then, Amelia gets down to business and announces
a topic that we’ll be working on. She always asks me to share what I know
first, and then she introduces new terms. Amelia will then ask questions
related to the topic, which will kick off a conversation and allow me to
practice using all of the new vocabulary (not to mention just the listening and
speaking!). For example, though we might start by talking about what the
symptoms of malaria are, inevitably Amelia will ask me to explain about
something in the US. For example: Are all children in America immunized? Or, how
do people treat people who are blind or deaf?
After an hour or two, we take a tea break. Tea (always with
ginger) is set out for us, along with some kind of treat. Usually it’s
delicious samosas, but we also get cassava, bananas, banana pancakes, or
whatever else the office worker Sophie decides to buy. Taking tea is another
opportunity to chat about whatever comes up. Frequently Simon will hang out
with us, and other folks from around the office pop in and out as well.
Sometimes, the other mzungu studying Luganda makes an appearance; other times,
the Sudanese students who are studying English pass through. When they do, I
always make a point to greet them so that they know they can chat with a native
speaker if they’d like. I can really appreciate how important that kind of
practice is now!
When we return to the classroom, we pick things back up.
Frequently in the second half of the session, Amelia will introduce a
grammatical concept and we will work on that. For example, Amelia taught me the
conditional tense yesterday. Finally, we oftentimes spend the last hour or so
doing something “fun” to mix things up. Amelia has caught on that I like books
(and, I think, that my reading abilities need the most work), so sometimes I’ll
read aloud from a children’s book. Yesterday, Amelia brought a language-learning
version of Shoots and Ladders. If you landed on certain squares, you had to
translate the (complicated) sentence on the square from English into Luganda.
I know our session is ending when Amelia asks me what I’m
doing with the rest of my day. :)
I’ve struggled a bit with how exactly to maximize this
experience for my language learning. There are two poles: capture every word,
every grammatical concept, etc. and attack those with lots of study OR go with
the flow, allow the language to seep into my brain, and be very present in the
moment. Of course, I’m trying to find balance somewhere in the middle of them.
My current plan is this: I take down all of the new vocabulary words that I
learn, especially nouns and verbs. Every couple of days, I add these long lists
to my Quizlet flashcards. Meanwhile, I am keeping up with Quizlet’s long term
learning practice, so these vocabulary words re-appear while I do my daily vocabulary
study. However, I am not trying to cram all of the new words into my brain
every day – instead, I’m attempting to take a more natural pace, picking up
words I use frequently just by having to say them in conversation. As for
grammatical terms, I give my notes a glance every couple days, and have been
making an effort to use the different forms in conversation with Amelia (who
can correct me when I’m wrong!).
I am hoping that this relaxed way of learning will suit me well.
While it’s important for me to continue to make strides on the technical parts
of the language (grammar, vocabulary), being in Uganda for the summer affords
me the opportunity to practice the actual use of the language. I think that
this means that I ought to focus most of my energy mostly on gaining listening
comprehension skills and fluency in speaking.
Outside of class time with Amelia, of course, I am still
learning. In addition to the value of practicing with real people (who don’t
know my vocabulary or grammatical limitations, and aren’t used to my accent),
engaging with others in Luganda plays into my highly extroverted personality.
For this reason, I start in Luganda with nearly everyone I meet. Sometimes they
turn to English quickly, either because they presume my Luganda is limited, or
because their Luganda is limited
(hard to tell!). But sometimes, it’s almost entirely Luganda.
Last night, I took a private taxi home after meeting a
friend for dinner, because it was late at night. I bargained with the driver in
Luganda, and then we chatted while we drove – the entire time in Luganda.
Granted, our conversation wasn’t incredibly deep or complicated, but the fact
remains that Luganda was how we communicated everything.
There is a downside to all of this socialization and four
hours a day (at a minimum) of practice – excluding Sundays. And that is: it’s
exhausting. I realized last weekend while lazing around my guest house after
class on Saturday that I felt mentally very tired. Of course, part of that
comes from simply navigating around noisy, busy, dirty Kampala. But I’m fairly
convinced that a large part of it is just all of the extra mental work my brain
is taking on every day, between class and talking with people around town. For
an extrovert to get tired out by so much social engagement – it’s a rare
thing!! So I’m feeling lots of empathy for my introverted friends these days.
I truly hope that I am making the most out of this
experience, and that I’ve been thoughtful enough about how to learn in the
context that I’m in. I suppose we’ll see what the results are at the end of the
7 weeks!
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