mid-semester reflections
I can tell that we're right about in the middle of the semester (though that doesn't seem possible ! Everything moves too fast...) because I can tell I'm finally hitting my stride and finding a routine of sorts for my Luganda and other studies. These last three weeks have been pretty successful. I reached my Omuzannyo goal each week, and have been doing a good mix of lesson-type work, conversations with my language mentor, flashcard practice, reading, and listening practice. This last week looked a lot like the previous two in terms of my daily work: Tuesday : 30 minutes of lesson work, 1 hour with my language mentor Wednesday : 1 hour of lesson work, 1 hour with my language mentor, Thursday : Read 1 newspaper article, 10 minutes watching the Jesus film, Whatsapped with a friend, and did a lot of flashcard practice (250 words on Long-Term Learning) Friday : 2 hours of listening to the radio, Quizlet, and read 1 newspaper article Saturday : Quizlet Sunday : Intende...